1. Avoid eating out on holidays and Saturday nights. The volume of customers guarantees that most kitchens will be pushed beyond their ability to produce a high-quality meal.
2. There are almost never any sick days in the restaurant business. A busboy with a child to support isn't going to stay home and miss out on $100 because he's got strep throat.
3. When customers make personal attacks, adulterating food or drink is a convenient way for servers to exact covert vengeance. Waiters can and do spit in people's food.
4. Never say "I'm friends with the owner." Restaurant owners don't have friends. This marks you as a clueless poseur the moment you walk in the door.
5. Treat others as you want to be treated.
6. Don't snap your fingers to get attention.
7. Don't order meals that aren't on the menu. You're forcing the chef to cook something he doesn't make on a regular basis, and it won’t be as good.
8. Splitting entrées is okay, but don't ask for water, lemon, and sugar so you can make your own lemonade.
9. If you find a waiter you like, always ask to be seated in his or her section. Tell all your friends so they'll start asking for that server as well. The server will be grateful and take good care of you.
10. If you can't afford to leave a tip, you can't afford to eat in the restaurant.
11. Always examine the check. Sometimes large parties are unaware that a gratuity has been added to the bill, so they tip on top of it. Waiters "facilitate" this error.
12. If you want to hang out, that's fine. But increase the tip to make up for money the server would have made if he or she had had another seating at that table.
13. Never, ever come in 15 minutes before closing time. While you're chitchatting over salads, your entrées will be languishing under the heat lamp while the dishwasher is spraying industrial-strength, carcinogenic cleaning solvents in their immediate vicinity.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
13 Things Your Waiter Won't Tell You
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
"Edmund" in Narnia

Skandar Amin Casper Keynes (born 5 September 1991) is an English actor. He is best known for starring as Edmund Pevensie in The Chronicles of Narnia film series. He has appeared in the first two installments, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, released on May 16, 2008, and will star in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, due May 7, 2010.[1]
Skandar Keynes was born in London, the son of Zelfa Cecil Hourani and writer Randal Keynes.[2] His maternal grandfather, Cecil Fadlo Hourani, is a famous writer of Lebanese descent, and the brother of Albert Hourani, also a well-known writer and professor.[2] On his father's side Keynes is the great-great-great grandson of the famous biologist Charles Darwin, through whose paternal grandmother Mary Howard he is descended from Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk (uncle to both Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard) and thus from King Edward I. Keynes is also the great-great nephew of the economist John Maynard Keynes and the nephew of the historian and Cambridge professor Simon Keynes.[2] Through his great-grandmother, Hester Agnes Pinsent – the wife of Nobel Prize laureate Edgar Adrian, 1st Baron Adrian – he is also related to the Scottish philosopher David Hume.[3] He has an older sister, Soumaya Keynes,(born 1989), who has appeared in various productions for BBC Radio 4.
Keynes has stated that he is an atheist.[4][5]
Keynes attended the Anna Scher Theatre School from 2000 to 2005 and currently attends the all-boys City of London School along with Daniel Radcliffe. He starts Sixth Form and the first year of his A Level studies in September 2008. He has taken History, Biology, Chemistry and Maths for A-Level.
In the summer of 2006, Keynes and his grandfather, mother, and sister were forced to flee from Beirut, Lebanon, where the family was holidaying when the 2006 Lebanon War began.[2]
Keynes currently resides in Highbury, London. He studies Taekwondo and plays the cornet, the cello,the flute,and the guitar. He supports Arsenal F.C..
He auditioned (successfully) for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe at the same as he auditioned (unsuccessfully) for the role of Simon Brown in Nanny McPhee. His voice broke during the filming of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, leaving his sister Soumaya to voice some of his lines.[6]
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Edmund Pevensie
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Edmund Pevensie
$357.3 million
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Edmund Pevensie
Enzo Ferrari at the age of 8
Television movie
^ "Narnia Voyage Postponed to 2010", E! Entertainment (2007-09-21). Retrieved on 2007-09-21.
^ a b c d Anderson, Jon Lee (2006-07-24). "Change of Plans". The New Yorker. Retrieved on 2006-10-18.
^ "Notes on the Rendall family". Retrieved on 2008-05-29.
^ Martin, Paul (2006-03-25). "Exclusive Interview with Skandar Keynes". Narnia Fans. Retrieved on 2008-06-18. “I am an Athiest. I know the films really Christian and everything but it doesn’t really affect me. Oh and you know I’m related to Charles Darwin.”
^ Savage, David (2006-06-19). "William Moseley and Skandar Keynes Interview!". Popcorn. Retrieved on 2008-06-25. “So apparently I'm an atheist, I'm into Darwin...”
^ Skandar Keynes, Georgie Henley, and Andrew Adamson. The Chronicles of Narnia:The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe [Cast Commentary] [DVD].
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Just Pause... and Thank You.....
In this busy world were negatives vibes, auras, people sorrounds you, sometimes your customer, some are your friends..., peer pressure they said. You feel happy when someone acknowledge, smile and say thank you to you..when u did something good in their part. Let me share to you my experience here at Blue 11, one day in my busy schedule..smiles and accomodate my customer daily, assist in their needs inside our cafe...one day a girl came back, early in the morning in our cafe and ask if i found her USb in PC number 7.., I said: yes i found it there...at PC number 7... i thought u forgot it there? i said..grateful i found it..hehhehe.. She smiles at me and added... she told her friend she has to check the USb of where she left it..i guess in Blue 11... and her friend says: dont worry the attendant in that cafe is good and approachable dont worry im sure he'll give it to you the other day...., So amazing and impressive words i hear..it akes my day complete and i saw a clear aura and vibration..it feels good to be affirmed by my customer, though were'nt so close to each other... Thank God..!
How to Manage Stress During Tough Times
With news headlines all around us announcing economic changes for the worse, a lot of us are beginning to feel the twist of anxiety. When this stress response comes, the neurochemicals in our brain are thrown off balance.
Sustained periods of stress will affect your brain, leading to chemical imbalance. It will interfere with your memory, focus and concentration, making you feel agitated and unable to calm down. It is crucial for brain health and overall peace of mind that you learn to control your anxiety effectively. Read on to learn the ways to quell your anxiety and relax. As always, if you are undergoing serious anxiety, consult a healthcare professional.
1. Health in Mind = Health in BodyThe average person has 60,000 thoughts a day, and nearly 80 percent of them are negative. Imagine what this is doing to your body! This negativity affects your thought patterns and behaviors subconsciously, and this has an unhealthy impact on your body.
Reframe the way you say things to yourself. You can actually change the response to anxiety with repeated affirmations, which will introduce a new positive pattern behavior in your thinking. Instead of being anxious, give empowering messages to yourself: I am strong, I am grateful, I can get through this. Repeat these positive affirmations throughout your day to transform the stress and change your attitude.
2. Cut Back on StimulantsStress, anxiety, insomnia, and a racing mind are byproducts of taking in too much caffeine, the central nervous system stimulator that works against your attempts to relax the body and calm the mind. To start, try cutting back for just week to see how fewer stimulants affect your overall stress level. Switch to decaf coffee, or better yet, drink herbal tea. Also, cut out sodas and other drinks that are packed with stimulants.
3. Deep Breathing Calms AnxietyIf you are in a stressful situation, you may have noticed that you breath very shallowly, up in your throat area. Unfortunately, many adults breathe this way all the time; somewhere along the way, we stopped breathing abdominally, as we did when we were babies. This habitual shallow breathing mimics the bodily actions of stress, which can actually induce your body to feel anxiety. When you learn to breathe deeply all day - by breathing from your diaphragm - you will reduce general anxiety and gain other proven benefits, such as lowered blood pressure and heart rate. Also, it is estimated that 70 percent of the toxins and wastes in our bodies are eliminated through respiratory breathing. So start deep breathing!
Here's how: Make it part of your every day schedule to practice 20-30 minutes of deep breathing every day, and your body will respond by being relaxed all the time. To learn a method for proper breathing, click here. Also, look into stress-reducing mind-body disciplines such as tai chi, yoga, qigong, and meditation, which all incorporate breathing work into their routines.
4. Herbal Help for AnxietyValerian, sometimes called "nature's tranquilizer, is used to regulate the nervous system and relieve tension, irritability, nervous exhaustion and stress, and anxiety for centuries. As a sedative, valerian is non-addictive and relieves sleeplessness without the morning-after grogginess often associated with prescription sleep medications.
Schisandra berry has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine to revitalize the senses. It increases physical endurance and mental concentration, while at the same time soothing the nerves and taking the edge off anxiety. Take these herbs anytime during the day and before bed in tea or capsule form. Many of my patients have had remarkable results with Calm-Fort Elixir, an all-natural formulation of herbs to calm your spirit. For more information, click here.
5. Try the Nutrient GABAA healthy brain needs a balance between neural chemicals that excite the nerves and those that calm the nerves. GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) is the primary neural transmitter for calming the transmission of nerve signals. It can help prevent anxiety-related messages from reaching the brain. Having levels of GABA that are too low can increase anxiety, insomnia, irritability, and depression. My suggestion is to eat a diet rich in GABA including fish, especially mackerel and wheat bran or to take 250-500 milligrams on a daily basis, along with vitamin B6.
6. Get Out of Your Head By Helping OthersMost of us could sit around all day agonizing in our heads about bad news and working our way into a negative inner dialogue. The way to get out of your own head is by doing something for others. Offer to help someone else and completely focus on his or her needs. Give a friend a hand with moving or planning an event. Volunteer for a charitable cause. It's amazing how taking the focus off yourself can reduce your stress and anxiety.I hope you find the ways to check your anxiety! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.
May you live long, live strong, and live happy!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Dating Advice: Spot and Stop Friends Who Botch Your Love Life
Four steps to uncover and defend against a 'frenemy' (an enemy disguised as a friend)
In the "Sex and the City" movie, Miranda functions as a friend-turned-frenemy and helps derail her friend's dream wedding. At a strategic point in the upcoming nuptials, she verbally puts down the idea of marriage to the commitment-phobic groom! In this one act, Miranda puts a nail in the coffin of her best friend's dream. In case you haven't seen the movie, I won't reveal how things do turn out, but there are lessons learned from this scene.
First of all, finding love is a challenge; and unfortunately, friends and family members can sometimes make it even tougher. When people in your inner circle become negative, pessimistic, competitive, jealous, or don't show you appreciation and/or encouragement, it inflames your own doubts and fears. If you're in a new romantic relationship, these reactions can come on suddenly; they may be familiar and ingrained parts of lifetime relationships that are so subtle, you may not even be fully aware of them. In either case, unsupportive reactions toward your date and you can pull you both back into being hopeless about love. In extreme cases, they can sabotage a growing relationship, as Miranda did in the "Sex and the City" movie! And if you're not dating someone currently,
negative feedback from people close to you can even stop you from getting back in the dating scene or dating altogether.
negative feedback from people close to you can even stop you from getting back in the dating scene or dating altogether.
A friend who feeds you negativity isn't a friend, but a frenemy. A frenemy may be chipping away your dating potential without you even being aware of it. Ask yourself, do any of these incidents sound familiar?
A "best friend" takes an instant dislike to a date you really like
A friend insists that all the "good ones" are taken
A sister/brother reminds you of your past failures or the duds you've fallen for
Dad criticizes any date you bring around
Mom clucks about how men/women would find you more attractive if you only lost those 10 pounds
Your two closest friends flake on the first dinner party you're hosting with your date
These are typical behaviors of friends-turned-frenemies. Here are four steps to use to handle frenemies and protect your love life:
Step 1: Uncover frenemies
Who do you spend the most time with socially? Regarding the people close to you, answer the following questions:
Are they single? Are they in a relationship? If so, do they generally describe it as loving or not?
Do you feel good hanging around them? How do you feel right after being with them?
Are they supportive of your self-esteem and attractiveness?
What are their attitudes towards love or relationships in general?
How do they react when you're in a relationship?
Step 2: Stop your whining
Often you are unconsciously encouraging your frenemies to be negative by complaining to them about what is wrong with your love life. For three days, take a notebook and make a note of every time you complain to anyone. For the next three days complain to no one. Write about how this feels.
Step 3: Make a list of what you need from frenemies
For example, you may need your best friend to stop complaining about how awful men/women are. You may need your dad/mom to tell you what he/she really likes about your new date.
Step 4: Ask your frenemies to give you the support you need
Be straight and honest.
Tell them you want to have a positive outlook about love and you need them to be positive too. Most will respond.
Tell them you want to have a positive outlook about love and you need them to be positive too. Most will respond. With the few frenemies who resist and continue being negative, move to a more distant, yet polite, relationship with them. You have to protect yourself and your own hopeful outlook on love.
Anyone can make a mistake and can turn frenemy on you.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian is a 2008 fantasy film based on Prince Caspian, the second published novel in C. S. Lewis's children's fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia. It is the second in The Chronicles of Narnia film series from Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media, following The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005). The four Pevensie children return to Narnia to aid Prince Caspian (Ben Barnes) in his struggle for the throne against his corrupt uncle, King Miraz (Sergio Castellitto). The film was released on May 16, 2008 in the United States, in Australia on June 5, 2008, and on June 26, 2008 in the United Kingdom.
Monday, July 14, 2008
A Woman gave Birth to a baby boy and a snake

Mrs. Ann Valenzuela… a resident of Sarang Passi City gave birth to his child a baby boy…suddenly on that day July 8, 2008 she felt different ache to her stomach and then he about to labor…..when the midwife assist to her about the said situation. The midwife amazed when she saw a little snake came from Mrs Ann Valenzuela,. just like a cigarette stick…after that they laid down the snake on a mini blanket…Secondly Mrs Valenzuela about releasing her next baby…. a little boy…totally its win with a snake…many say that this may give fortune to the family as long as they didn’t do anything bad on a snake…
Sunday, July 13, 2008
My Beloved Idol......Carrie

I guess this is there farm in Oklahoma

Carrie Underwood was born March 10, 1983. Her family already owned the farm in Checotah, Okla., though Underwood was born in the next town over, the one made famous in Merle Haggard's song, "Okie From Muskogee." Her father, Stephen, worked at a
Music didn't run in the family, but Underwood started singing at church when she was 3. Once she was in school, she sang solo roles in student plays. By the seventh grade, people were taking more notice of her voice as she entered local talent shows. She was told she had a "big voice" for "such a little girl."
Her taste in music was varied, thanks to her parents (who liked oldies) and sisters (who favored '80s pop). She started listening to country music in the car.
She was involved in her high school music program, but she kept telling people she was going to become a famous singer. Then she enrolled at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Okla., and became more serious about her career choice. She chose broadcast journalism for her major and produced a student-run television program and wrote for the school paper, The Northeastern.
Music wasn't completely out of the picture. While in college, she had a role in a country music show where she learned about country legends like Patsy Cline and the Carter Family. She was still taking her college classes when friends encouraged her to audition for American Idol. At first, she resisted. However, she soon realized if she didn't audition, she would graduate, get a job and may never have a chance to try out for the show again. So one night after wrapping an appearance in the college country music show, she piled into the car with her mom, a friend and her mother and drove all night, arriving in St. Louis at 6 a.m. They had to be at the stadium by 8 a.m. to receive wristbands to be eligible for the auditions. Then she waited eight hours before singing Martina McBride's "Phones Are Ringing All Over Town" for American Idol supervising producer James Breen.
Underwood didn't think she sang it well although she was invited to come back the next day and sing for executive producer Nigel Lythgoe. She sang another McBride song for Lythgoe, "Independence Day." On the next round, Underwood sang Bonnie Raitt's "I Can't Make You Love Me" for the show's judges, who sent her to Hollywood on her first-ever airline flight. As the weeks went by, the other contestants were voted off the show one by one, until the finale on May 25, 2005, when it was Underwood vs. Bo Bice. When Ryan Seacrest announced the winner, Underwood became America's new idol.
She signed to 19 Recordings/Arista Records and released the single "Inside Your Heaven", which debuted as the best selling song in the nation with sales of 170,000. She broke Billboard chart history as the first country music artist ever to debut at No. 1 on the Hot 100. Underwood's "Inside Your Heaven" also became the first song from a country artist to go to No. 1 on the Hot 100 since Lonestar's "Amazed" did so in 2000. However, the single was scarcely played on country radio.
Following her win, she performed on the American Idol tour and signed advertising deals for Hershey's chocolate and Skechers shoes. She released the single "Jesus, Take the Wheel" to country radio later that year; her debut album Some Hearts followed in November, less than six months following her Idol win.
Some Hearts proved to be a huge hit, leading to the No. 1 hits "Jesus, Take the Wheel," "Don't Forget to Remember Me" and "Before He Cheats." She toured with Kenny Chesney as well as Brad Paisley in 2006. She also won her first CMA Awards in 2006, in the Horizon and female vocalist categories.
AKA Carrie Marie UnderwoodBorn: 10-Mar-1983
Birthplace: Muskogee, OK
Gender: Female
Religion: Baptist
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Country Musician
Nationality: United States
Executive summary: American Idol 2005 winner
Sister: Shanna
Sister: Stephanie
Boyfriend: Tony Romo (pro football player, together 2006-07)
Boyfriend: Chace Crawford (actor, together 2007-08)
High School: Checotah High School, Checotah, OK (2001)
University: BA Mass Communications, Northeastern State University (2006)
Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority
Risk Factors: Vegetarian, Aviophobia
American Idol Winner (2005, season 4)
Presenting: Miss Universe 2008- Miss Venezuela

Dayana Mendoza Venezuela
*What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?

*What is your proudest personal accomplishment?
Being independent from the age of fifteen on, living in different countries by myself without knowing the language at the beginning and without the presence of my parents. Having succeeded in working in different cultures and learning the most from them.
*What is something unique that has happened to you; some interesting thing about you?
I was once kidnapped, in what in my country is known as an express kidnapping. It was a very hard experience. I learned to remain calm in a very stressful situation and to try to reach to the human part of our abductors.
*What do you want the judges to know about you?
Diana Mendoza Biography - Miss Venezuela Universe 2008 - Miss Amazonas 2007
Occupation: Venezuelan Model & Beauty Queen
Dayana Sabrina Mendoza Moncada (born June 1, 1986 in Caracas, Venezuela) is a model and the reigning Miss Venezuela 2007. Her name is often misspelled as Dyana Mendoza or Dayna Mendoza. On 2001 Mendoza signed with Elite Model Management and modeled in Italy, France, United States, England, Greece, Spain, Germany, Mexico and Peru for Versace, Roberto Cavalli and others fashion designers. She speaks Spanish, English and Italian. Dayana beat out 27 other candidates to win Miss Venezuela 2007 on September 13, 2007, and became only the second woman from the Amazonas state to win (the first being Carolina Izsak in 1991). She will represent Venezuela in the Miss Universe 2008 pageant in Nha Trang, Vietnam on July 13, 2008. She is among our top 10 favorites to win the Miss Universe 2008 title.
Monday, July 7, 2008
ang ilang mga rason kung bakit...
11. Destiny Adik .
Eto yung mga naghihintay kay "Destiny" na gumawa ng paraan para pagtagpuin sila ng kanilang mga "partner in life".. ayannn... kakapanood nyong "Serendipity" eh feeling nyo ang nangyari sa movie eh mangyayari rin sa inyo... such a cliche.. hindi ba nyo alam na kung walang effort destiny is useless.
10. Perfectionist/ Mapili.
Yes, isang taong perpeksiyonista. Yung tipong "dapat ganito ang magiging kapartner ko". Pag may nakilala, nakita lang na pangit ang kuko o may dumi lang, turn-off na agad. O kaya angdaming ayaw. Ayaw sa mabait, boring daw, gusto bad boy/ pilya pero kapag pinaiyak ka tatanungin ka "bakit ang sama mo", "bakit mo nagawa yun!"...Adik ka ba?!... Ayaw sa cute, ayaw dinnaman sa panget. Meron dyan gusto ka ayaw mo naman.. yung gusto mo halos magtambling ka pero deadma pa rin yang stunts mO sa kanya! Pasaway ka rin e!Ano ba talaga kuya?
9. Busy Busyhan.
Opo, eto yung ang mundo e gumagalaw lang sa libro at ballpen kung estudyante ka o kaya naman sa computer at files kung office staff ka. Yung tipong aalis ng bahay ng alas 6 o alas 7 ng umaga at uuwi ng bahay ng 6 hanggang alas 8 ng gabi [baligtad naman para sa mga nag tratrabaho sa call center]. Sabay tulog na. Kapag sabado masaya na sila sa tv, sa pagkain na niluluto ni mama at sa linggo naman sisimba at maghahanda na ng kelangan para sa lunes hanggang byernes.Pssssst. . pause for a while naman!
8. Friendship Theory Ano naman ito?...
Eto yung ang buhay ay kay bestfriend o kaya kay special friend, na hindi masabi-sabi sa friendship nya sa loob ng kanilang mahabang panahon na pagsasama, dahil baka daw maapektuhan ang pakikipagkaibigan at iwasan sya. Yung tipong pag may kasama si friendship na iba, nagseselos na wala naman sa lugar, pero syempre wag pahalata, kunyari happy sya for friendship. ABA ! Oi!Lakasan mo ang loob mo at baka mamaya forever mong pagsisihan yan, kaw rin!... Minsan pa naman pareho pala kayong naghihintayan. . hmmp!
7. Born-to-be-one (Autistic)
Eto yung nasa palad na ang pagiging single daw. Walang reasons. Basta lang nabuhay sya sa mundo na mag-isa atfeeling nya mamamatay sya sa mundong mag-isa. Kesyo magmamadre o magpapari na lang... Asa kang tatanggapin ka pa noh!
6. Happy-go-lucky.
Eto yung taong walang alam kundi kasiyahan at trippings. Kahit sino na lang basta no string attached. For fun lang daw... Walang halong seryosohan. ABA hoy! Yang init ng katawan mo e ikiskis mo na lang sa pader.Makakahanap ka rin ng katapat mo!!!
5. Wrong Place.
May nakaranas na ba nito? Yung pakiramdam mo nasa ibang mundo ka. Yung ang nakakaharap mo e yung mga hindi mo gusto, yung mga hindi mo hinahanap. Alam mo yun? Halimbawa nasa ibang bansa ka, pero ang hinahanap mo e yung amoy ng nasa sariling bayan mo. O kaya naman e nasa sarili mong bayan ka, nasa normal na lipunan, pero ikaw ang abnormal at hindi mo kayang sabihin na abnormal din ang hanap mo kung ayaw mong ibitin ka nila ng patiwarik.
4. Wrong Time.
Eto yung mga tao na sinasabi na "hindi pa ako ready e, bata pa kasi ako" o kaya naman "hindi pa ako handa sa panahong ito", "wala pa ako kayang ipagmalaki". Yes meron pong ganyan.Yung feeling nila may tamang panahon para sa love. Awwwwwww!... Aba kelan yun?!... Pag uugod-ugod ka na at yung time mo e bitin na? O baka naman pagpang-out of time ka na? Oist, sugod lang ng sugod!
3. Si Parents kasi...
Yes, factor din ang komyunidad na ginagalawan mo. Una, ayaw pa ni mader o pader na magkaron ka kahit 22 anyos ka na at kelangan umabot ka muna raw ng 40 bago magkaroon ng gf/bf. O kaya naman ikaw mismo! Takot sa sasabihin ni parents at ni kapitbahay na tsismosa sa magiging kasama mo. Aba ikaw na nga ba ang sabihan na "Alam mo hindi kayo bagay. Langit at lupa kayo." Awwwww!... Payo ko sayo, "Pakialam nila diba?... Palibhasa inggit!"
2. Traumatic Experience.
Eto kalimitan ang reason ng marami. "Ayaw kona!!! Takot na ako mangyari pa ang nangyari dati!"... O diba, ang drama ng layp?... Yes, tama ka. Eto yung dahil sa past relationship mo, e until now aayaw mo nang magkaroon at sinumpa mo na ata ang magmahal. Dahil sa pinagpalit ka sa mas pangit, o kaya naman iniwan ka ng walang word na bye-bye, o dahil binugbog ka!, anopa ba?... Madami yan wag na nating isa-isahin at baka tumulo si tears, heheh... Gayunpaman, eto lang masasabi ko mga hija at hijo... Ibat-iba ang lasa ng pag-ibig. May mapait, may mapakla, may matamis at may maasim. Aba , mapalad ka at natikman mo ang ibat-ibang lasa nito! Kaya ikaw, "Do not be afraid to fall in love again... malay mo, sweetiness na ang malasahan mo next time.! E di panalo ka sa lotto! Yan ang nagpapalakas sayo... Yan ang bumubuhay sayo... ang pag-ibig. Tsk! Drama!
1. EX to the Nth power.
Oi, aminin!!! LOVE pa rin si Ex kahit 1 or 2 yrs na ang nakakalipas. May ganito naman. Yung tipong ilang taon na ang nakakalipas, hindi pa rin makalimutan si ex. Yung pinagsamahan, yung tawanan, yung iyakan, at lahat ng nangyari sa inyo nung kayo pa. Malungkot man at sa kung anumang kadahilanan, maganda man o masama ito, kelangan nyo ng magpaalam sa isa't-isa... YES, after a year sasabihin natin, "I'm over him/her na.", pero pag-usapan natin ang love at ang nangyari sa ating relastionship from the past, TADANNNNNNNNNNNNN, eto na, sya agad ang naalala mo. At habang nagkukwento ka, OUCH! may kirot, o kaya may ngiti at may bumabagabag sa iyong kalooban. Ano kaya yun?!... AMININ mo na kasi, MAHAL mo pa si EX... Isa lang ang masasabi ko, well, mahirap sya kalimutan alam ko yan, pero open your heart and makipagdate ka, lumabas ka, at try to entertain someone. Wag mo ikumpara si ex sa iba. At give urself a KITKAT, take a break.Oh, san ka pa?Ü... Grab one now! LOLZ!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
3 Red Flags That You're Headed for a Breakup
When it comes to breaking up, hindsight is 20/20. But wouldn't it be nice if you could tell that you and your partner were headed for a falling out before it happened?
Fortunately, you can predict a break up. And with just a little bit of tweaking, you can get back on track and rescue your relationship before it hits the rocks.
Red Flag #1: Tuning OutOne of the most common reasons relationships fail is because one or both partners is tuning out. It might sound minor, but in actuality, few things are more hurtful than being ignored by your loved one, whether that is accompanied by emotional neglect or physical distance.
The Cure: Take Down the Wall Tuning back in is easy. All you have to do is agree to listen to your partner's feedback and dedicate time and emotion to the relationship again. Start taking down the emotional wall, brick by brick. Look at your partner in the eye when he or she speaks (even if it is not what you want to hear), make physical contact daily (even if it is just holding hands), and re-commit to the relationship.
Red Flag #2: Fighting Fire with FireCouples who fight fire with fire can expect a relationship that is constantly up in flames. Name-calling, sarcasm, criticism, and violence (from throwing things, slamming doors, to actual physical abuse) result in emotional wounds that are hard to heal and relationships that are hard to rescue.
The Cure: Pour Water on the FlamesThe next time you feel anger guiding you to say, or do, things you might regret, take time to cool off. If that's not possible, try framing your complaints as requests. For instance instead of, "Why did you forget our date?," you could say, "I feel sad that you forgot our date. How can we make sure this doesn't happen again?" If your partner is the one who is fanning the flames, don't engage in the vicious cycle of insults and tantrums. You can't fight fire with fire if the other person won't engage in the flame-throwing.
Red Flag #3: Refusing to Own UpNo one is perfect, so why is it that some of us refuse to take responsibility in our most important relationships? Passing the buck and playing the victim are surefire ways to put a relationship in jeopardy.
The Cure: Take Responsibility for Your ActionsThe next time you forget an anniversary, or say something hurtful to your spouse, don't try to pass the buck and refuse to take responsibility. Instead, admit where you went wrong and try harder next time. Sounds simple... but it can save your relationship.
By making simple changes to the way you and your partner communicate, you can keep your relationship intact. All couples fight and argue, but it is how you fight and argue that determines whether your love can weather the storm.