Feelin hungry..woke around 7am and gettin ready for the 2nd mass here n Miagao.., ahhh so hungry coz i visited my farmville and cheked my fishville too..Later ill prepare my foods then fopr breakfast too.wanna join hehehe..I miss my Kids, there Justin, Tim and Richard.., but i miss a lot Justin.., hes close to me so much., and i love him as my little brother u know..of corz I miss also my friend..and husband n joke way heheh.Christian Roy...get mad at him coz he didnt bring me back my charger hehehe.., but on monday ill be in Puntavilla and we see each other again...I miss the Korean people thee in CNC hehehe..I miss also the Front desk worker there., Mam May ANn and the others...one my friend also that I miss Shin (a Japanese) who studied also there, Myla, John ruel, Flish, Jun (the Camp KOrea Student) Jan Dawn and evry people there in CNC heheeh..Miss u guys ill be back on MOnday morning..Lets see each other again and start with new day.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Market Shopping Galore
Hey..wazzup...nice to be back here n my blog.., I have here the Chooks to go Lechon Manok for my family., and i have some candies for my adopted sons Richard, Justin and Tim.., I helped the Camp Korea a while ago, tour them in Miagao Church, we go to the University of the Philippines in the Visayas Admin Building.., and we go also to the UPV Dormitories..Rebecca says he was alraedy pissed off.., of what the driver do to us..hehehe gettin bad trip
Monday, January 18, 2010
A bullshit thing
Iv notning to do with someone over there..hahaha but shes keep on watchingmy moves evrywhere., i dont know why..what the problesm about her..dah..i dont know why...i gues shes insecure or whatever problem she has hahaha..well gud luck to u girl and keep it up, as i watched my moves too.., playing safe and keep away from u..that shit thing i hate most..make it out of that situation or else we can make trouble here..Damn thing....Bullll Shittttttttttttttttt.....
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Welcome Unbored...
Heyyy..hey..hey..Gud Morning.., what a beautiful day..ahmm nothing to do here right now., just surfing at the internet.., checking who's online in facebook and of cors opened this blog that i have since..i forgot..when it is hehehe...by the way..anybody can read this may say that Im ..weird, awful, and whatever hehehe...This is my usual routine when im bored and nothing to do, staying here in 2nd floor and do surf at the internet, check my mail, my friendster and facebook. Hahaha Korean students are begging with us the Green sticker hehehe..for competition., who got many green stickers has prize i think. Still one of the Korean Teaher i like is ...secret confidential.
I love the company of Christian Roy always.., keep it up bro..as u discover my Blog hehehe..leave a commnet pls.. thank u
I'll be going home on Saturday., ill set my rules first to all of my roomates before I leave the Room 313. Those who disobey the rules, can receive the Brilliant Yellow sticker hehehe and tendency to Go back in Korea hahahaah
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Fantastic Four(4) Fanatic

The four core individuals traditionally associated with the Fantastic Four, who gained superpowers after exposure to cosmic rays during a scientific mission to outer space, are: Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards), a scientific genius and the leader of the group, who can stretch his body into incredible lengths and shapes; the Invisible Woman (Susan "Sue" Storm), Reed's wife, who can render herself and others invisible and project powerful force fields; the Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Sue's younger brother, who can generate flames, surround himself with them and fly; and the monstrous Thing (Ben Grimm), their grumpy but benevolent friend, who possesses superhuman strength and endurance due to the nature of his stone-like flesh.
Since the original four's 1961 introduction, the Fantastic Four have been portrayed as a somewhat dysfunctional yet loving family. Breaking convention with other comic-book archetypes of the time, they would squabble and hold grudges both deep and petty, and eschew anonymity or secret identities in favor of celebrity status. The team is also well known for its recurring struggles with characters such as the villainous monarch Doctor Doom, the planet-devouring Galactus, the sea-dwelling prince Namor, the spacefaring Silver Surfer, and the shape-changing alien Skrulls.
The Fantastic Four have been adapted into other media, including four animated television series, an aborted 1990s low-budget film, the major motion picture Fantastic Four (2005), and its sequel, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007).
Blue moon 2009: a New Year's Eve rarity
At the end of 2009, a “blue moon” will preside over the annual New Year’s Eve countdown and accompanying ball drop in Times Square.
But what does this mean?
For most people, it will just mean a full pie in the sky Thursday night. A blue moon is simply the second full moon in month. It doesn’t actually have anything to do with color at all.
Usually, there’s only one full moon each month because the monthly calendar was built on the lunar cycle (29.5 days). But once every 2-1/2 years, those extra half days add up to two full moons in a month.
So where does the name come from?
According to NASA's website, the term blue moon was "used in much the same way we use the term 'harvest moon.' There were twelve names for full moons, one for each month, and the name blue moon was used in years which had 13 full moons."
But in 1943, Sky and Telescope Magazine erroneously wrote that the second full moon in any calendar month was called a blue moon. The label stuck and is still used today.
It’s relatively rare that a blue moon would fall on New Year’s Eve. The last time that happened was 1990, according to CNN.
Even more rare – there were two blue moons in 1999, one in January and one in March. That happens only about four times a century.
Interestingly enough, this is not where the expression “once in a blue moon” comes from. According to NASA, that phrase is believed to have originated in 1883 after the eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Krakatoa. The volcano put so much dust in the atmosphere that the moon actually looked blue in color. The event was deemed so unusual the phrase “once in a blue moon” was coined.
Cnc Job
Wow gettin tired here..but still, I was enjoyed a lot staying here in Puntavilla, at Southseas Hotel. Sort of tired, light stress, not take a bath.., but later i guess I do..., Gush.., christian texted me that I have to go to his room coz one of his student told him that he would him with his assignment, thats why Im here facing the computer with a guy beside me.., I dont know his name.., blonde hair and I guess Gay.. hehehe what a wild Guess.
Im very thankful this day i wasnt drained of what my work does.., teaching Korean student, ages 10- 13.., well my roommates Korean students in my room are Tim, Justin and Richard.., i cant memorize their Korean name hehehehe..