Saturday, January 23, 2010

Missing up

Feelin hungry..woke around 7am and gettin ready for the 2nd mass here n Miagao.., ahhh so hungry coz i visited my farmville and cheked my fishville too..Later ill prepare my foods then fopr breakfast too.wanna join hehehe..I miss my Kids, there Justin, Tim and Richard.., but i miss a lot Justin.., hes close to me so much., and i love him as my little brother u know..of corz I miss also my friend..and husband n joke way heheh.Christian Roy...get mad at him coz he didnt bring me back my charger hehehe.., but on monday ill be in Puntavilla and we see each other again...I miss the Korean people thee in CNC hehehe..I miss also the Front desk worker there., Mam May ANn and the my friend also that I miss Shin (a Japanese) who studied also there, Myla, John ruel, Flish, Jun (the Camp KOrea Student) Jan Dawn and evry people there in CNC heheeh..Miss u guys ill be back on MOnday morning..Lets see each other again and start with new day.